Sunday, June 20, 2010

Its Nearly Showtime!

A few random thoughts and information before next week's family gathering:

Check-in at Campus Grove is 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 2nd. Driving directions can be found here. At check-in, your family will be given their reunion t-shirts, reunion schedule, and directions to their assigned room. Family heads will also need to complete and sign a waiver from Campus Grove.

For those making the food preparations, the final registration numbers are 82 people - 45 adults and 37 children (10 high school/junior high school age, 13 elementary school age, and 14 pre-school age and younger). Remember that the paper plates and bowls, cups, plastic utensils, and napkins will be provided. It is expected that the family assigned to each meal will provide food and drink, and cleanup after the meal service.

Times for the meals are as follows:

5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., Dinner: Catered

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m., Breakfast: Continental
Noon - 1:00 p.m., Lunch: Kim McDonald Family
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., Dinner: Scott and Nan McDonald Family

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m., Breakfast: Continental
Noon - 1:00 p.m., Lunch: Jay and Darla McDonald Family
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., Dinner: Brent and Nancy McDonald Family

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m., Breakfast: Continental

For those that signed up to go waterskiing on Saturday, details about this excursion will be available on Friday night. Bart and Brian McDonald, who are in charge of the fun, are each bringing their boats. This event will require carpooling to the reservoir, about an hour drive each way.

The family photographs taken on Friday night will include one large group photo along with photos of each individual family. TJ and Maren Luekenga will be assisting the photographer with making sure that this rather large task runs smoothly; please follow their directions. The photo session will begin at 7:00 p.m. These photographs will be taken in our reunion t-shirts. The t-shirt colors are as follows:

Jay and Darla McDonald Family - Sandstone
Kim McDonald Family - Dark Smoke
Brent and Nancy McDonald Family - Scotland Blue
Scott and Nan McDonald Family - Olive

Items not to forget:

Bedding and towels
Personal hygiene items
Bicycles and sports equipment
Games to play

See you all next week!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sleeping Accommodations

We've worked hard to meet everyone's request for sleeping accommodations. The whole family will fit into the 15 rooms snuggly, but comfortably. It is important to remember that everyone will need to bring bed linens (except for those assigned to the queen beds, as the bedding is provided) - please bring pillows, sheets, blankets or sleeping bags that will fit the type bed assigned to each member of your family.

Below is the list of the room assignments and the type of bed to bring linens for. The sleeping arrangements within the room are suggestions. Please review the Miller Hall floorplan for a detailed layout of the rooms. We have been asked to not move any of the furniture, particularly from one room to another. The single foam pads can be found on the third floor (game room) in the storage area; cribs are not provided and must be brought from home. You will find your family's name on the door to your room upon check-in.

First Floor

Room 1
Queen Bed - Brent & Nancy McDonald
Single Bunk Bed (bottom) - Cade McDonald
Single Bunk Bed (top) - Cadee McDonald
Full Air Mattress - Dylan & Karen McDonald

Room 2
Queen Bed - Kim McDonald
Single Bunk Bed (bottom) - Nikki McDonald
Single Bunk Bed (top) - Ashley Lorraine
Foam Pad - Aaron Hepner

Room 3
Queen Bed - Jay & Darla McDonald
Single Bunk Bed (bottom) - Janae Copeland
Singe Bunk Bed (top) - Sierra Copeland
Foam Pad - Shelby Copeland

Room 4
Queen Bed - Scott & Nan McDonald
Futon - Open

Room 5
Queen Bed - Brian, Shala, & Landon McDonald
Crib - Jarom McDonald
Single Bunk Bed (bottom) - Mark McDonald
Single Bunk Bed (top) - Kyler McDonald
Foam Pad - Aiden McDonald

Second Floor

Room 6
Queen Bed - Garett & Melissa McDonald
Single Bunk Bed (bottom) - Maggie McDonald
Single Bunk Bed (top) - Grace McDonald
Foam Pad - Matthew McDonald

Room 7
Queen Bed - Ryan & Lauren Tingey
Crib - Brynn Tingey
Single Bunk Bed (bottom) - Aiden Tingey
Single Bunk Bed (top) - Jayde Shackett

Room 8
Full Bunk Bed (bottom) - John & Shelley Thomas
Full Bunk Bed (top) - Carter Thomas
Single Bunk Bed (bottom) - Joaquin Thomas
Single Bunk Bed (top) - Aurelia Thomas

Room 9
Full Bunk Bed (bottom) - Tom & Brooke Allen
Full Bunk Bed (top) - Open
Crib - Olivia Allen
Single Bunk Bed (bottom) - Simon Allen
Single Bunk Bed (top) - Max Allen

Room 10
Queen Bed - Randy & Julie Winslow
Single Bunk Bed (bottom) - Stormie Winslow
Single Bunk Bed (top) - Skye Winslow

Room 11
Full Bunk Bed (bottom) - TJ & Maren Luekenga
Full Bunk Bed (top) - Ella Luekenga
Single Bunk Bed (bottom) - Luke Luekenga
Single Bunk Bed (top) - Taylor Hamilton
Full Air Mattress - Troy & Stacy Hamilton

Room 12
Queen Bed - Brady & Mindy McDonald
Crib - Cooper McDonald
Crib - foster baby
Single Bunk Bed (bottom) - Open
Single Bunk Bed (top) - Open

Room 13
Queen Bed - Bart & Anna McDonald
Single Bunk Bed (bottom) - Morgan McDonald
Single Bunk Bed (top) - Ryan McDonald
Foam Pad - Jacob McDonald

Room 14
Queen Bed - Rob & Rebecca McDonald
Full Bunk Bed (bottom) - Aubrey & Rachel McDonald
Full Bunk Bed (top) - Jordan McDonald
Foam Pad - Parker McDonald

Room 15
Queen Bed - Charlie & Kim Shackett
Full Bunk Bed (bottom) - Ryan & Ashley Johnson
Full Bunk Bed (top) - Hayden Shackett

Third Flood (Game Room)

Hide-a-Bed - Brock and Cole Shackett
Futon - Logan Shackett

Every room has at least a sink in it, while most share a toilet and a shower. There are no public laundry facilities at Campus Grove. Please bring your own shampoo and personal hygiene items. Also, bring your own bath and beach towels.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Last Minute Preparations

Can you believe we are only 32 days away from the McDonald Family Reunion?

Karen and I have received registrations for 84 people - 47 adults and 37 children (10 high school/junior high school age, 13 elementary school age, and 14 pre-school age and younger). The turn-out has been fantastic and we are looking forward to spending time together with everyone.

Just a few reminders in this posting. First, we are putting together the sleeping arrangements and will be contacting you shortly about them. Please plan to bring linens and pillows for your entire family, along with bath/beach towels, shampoo, soap, and other needed personal hygiene items. Second, those who indicated on the registration form an interest in having additional professional family photographs will also be contacted about costs. Third, please remember the family food assignments. And finally, when your family arrives on the 2nd there is a waiver required by Campus Grove that each family needs to fill out. We will have a copy available for you to complete when you check in.

P.S. I know there are some soccer fans out there, and in order to not miss the quarterfinal matches of the World Cup from South Africa, we are working to have an internet connection available to watch the competition. The matches on Saturday, July 3rd start at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Go USA!