Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Registration Packet is in the Mail!

No, its not an April Fool's joke - the registration packet is in the mail. Be sure to check your mailboxes in the coming days. Included in the mailing is the Registration Form, a tentative Schedule, and details about the facilities at Campus Grove. Please review all the information, as there are several deadlines to be aware of.

First, and this will be the last time we bug you about this, we've extended the deadline for the family history project. The absolute drop dead date to get us 10 to 15 of your family photographs is April 20th! Review the March 2009 and August 2009 entries for more details. Please don't miss out on participating in this project.

Second, the deadline to return the Registration Form is May 15th. It is critical that we have the registration forms back on time in order to finalize the reunion plans. The total cost per family is $355.00, which covers the rental of Miller Hall and its amenities; reunion t-shirts; group photographs; planned reunion activities; meals; family history and photo collection DVDs; and postage and mailings.